Philippine One National ID system: FAQ and Guide RA 11055

Philippine One National ID: Frequently Asked Questions

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I support PhilID.

Terms used below:

PSN - Philippine System Number

PSA - Philippine Statistics Authority

PhilID - Philippine ID


1. How It Works?

The ID should become the one ID sufficient enough for government and private transactions. 

2. Who should Apply?
Filipino citizen and resident Alien of the Philippines should apply.

For children below five (5) years old including at Child's birth, the demographic information and front-facing photograph of the applicant shall be required only, and their PSN shall be linked to that of their parent or guardian. 

For children aged five (5) to fourteen (14) years, their biometrics information shall be initially captured and will be recaptured at age 15.

3. When can we Apply?
After one (1) year of the effectivity of this Act every citizen or resident alien shall register personally to the Registration centers.

4. How to Apply?
Go to your nearest registration centers.

Minors and People With Disabilities (PWD) should be accompanied by their parent or their legal guardian.

Special Arrangements will be given to Minors, Senior Citizens, PWD, Indigenous Persons (IP), Persons in Institutional Households, Persons in remote areas.

5. What are the Documents or Papers Needed?

a.) Duly accomplished PhilSys Application form given by the Registrar
b.) PSA - Applicant's Birth Certificate
c.) PSA - Applicant's Married Certificate for women adopting the surname of their husband.c.) Alien Certificate of Residence (ACR) and travel documents for the alien residents of the Philippines.) Current ID with front facing photo, full name and signature. 

(If without other ID, applicant should be accompanied and endorsed by a person as an Introducer of legal age and Registered in PhilSys, The applicant shall provide an affidavit of two (2) disinterested person attesting his or her identity. )

It is very important that the given data in the Application form is consistent with the other documents.

6. Where to Apply?

Registration Centers

A. PSA Regional and Provincial Offices;B. Local Civil Registry Offices (LCROs);C. Government Service Insurance System (GSIS);D. Social Security System (SSS);E. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth);F. Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF);G. Commission on Elections (COMELEC);H. Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost); andI. Other government agencies and GOCCs as maybe assigned by the PSA.

For OFW or Filipinos residing Abroad,

The registration shall be made in the nearest Philippine Embassy or Philippine Foreign Service post, Philippine Consulate or other registration centers that may be designated by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in coordination with the PSA.

7. How much it will cost?

The initial application and issuance as well as the renewal of the PhilID for citizens shall be free of charge. Renewal shall pertain to the replacement of the PhilID arising from recapturing or updating of biometric information.

Fees only apply to for the (a) initial application and issuance as well as renewal of a PhilID to resident aliens, and (b) issuance of a replacement PhilID to citizens and resident aliens due to loss, damage, or change of entries therein shall be subject to the schedule of fees to be issued by the PSA.

Fees shall not apply to citizens upon presentation of a Certificate of Indigency issued by the City/Municipal Social Welfare Office.

8. How long it will take for the application for this ID?

It would take less than a day for it to process. In the event that the applicant will not be issued a PhilID he or she will be notified with the status of his or her application.

The application will be successful and complete after confirmation registration by the PSA and issuance of the PSN.

9. Can I have Two (2) PhilSys number?

No. Only if the biometric and demographic information of the applicant are found to be unique, a PSN will be generated for the applicant and his or her PhilID will be printed.

10. What data are required? 

A. Demographic Data (11)
      1.       Full Name
4. Place of Birth
7. Present Address
10. Mobile Number(optional)
      2.     Sex
5. Blood type
8. Filipino or Resident Alien
11. Email address(optional)
    3.    Date of Birth
6. Permanent Address
9. Marital Status

B. Biometric Data(3)
1. Front Facing Photograph 2. Full Set of Fingerprints 3. Iris Scan

If any disabilities that capturing of data impossible are given exemptions by the PSA.

11. What data are being shown in the ID?

   - The PhilID shall be the physical medium issued to convey essential information about the person’s identity containing on its face the PSN, full name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, blood type, address, marital status (optional), and a front-facing photograph of the individual in whose favor it was issue.

The PhilID shall have a QR Code, which contains any two fingerprint information. The PhilID shall also include other security features as safeguards for data privacy and security, and prevention against the proliferation of fraudulent or falsified identification.

12. How long is the validity?
There is no expiry in your PSN. But children below 5 years old need to update at their entries at the age of 5 and the age of 15.

13. Is this compulsory?
Yes. This is compulsory to all Filipinos and foreign residents.

14. What if I lost it?
You will need to provide an affidavit of loss and apply for your second ID. Certain fees will be applicable. Take note the ID number will still be the same where ever you applied it as the system will recognize your biometric information.

15. Application should be personal?
Yes. Application for this ID should be personal and personal documents are required to register in the system. 

16. What if my ID got cancelled after I use it?
Cancellation and deactivation may happen to your ID due to the following reasons:

a. Death of the registered person;
b. Loss of Filipino citizenship and failure to qualify as a resident alien under the Act;
c. Presentation of false or fictitious supporting document/s during registration or during application for change of entries;
d. Misrepresentation in any form during and after registration in the PhilSys;
e. Falsified, mutilated, altered, or tampered PhilID;
f. Unauthorized use of one’s PhilID/PSN or the PhilID/PSN of another registered person;
g. Conviction by final judgment of punishable acts under penal laws through the unlawful use of the PSN or PhilID; and
h. Conviction by final judgment of the acts penalized under the PhilSys Act.

17. Could I still reapply for the cancelled ID or PSN?
Yes. Reactivation of the PSN shall entitle the registered person to reissuance of PhilID. Reactivation means you will still have the same unique number.

18. Could OFW apply abroad?

The registration shall be made in the nearest Philippine Embassy or Philippine Foreign Service post, Philippine Consulate or other registration centers that may be designated by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in coordination with the PSA.

19. Can we use this ID Abroad?
Only your passport should be your International ID. Apply for it.

20. What ID can be Replaced with this ID?
GSIS, SSS, PhilHealth, HDMF, Voter's ID, Postal ID

21. Could I change my entries on the system?
Yes. All applications for change of entries shall be done in any PhilSys Registration Center. Take note this are only demographic data and you need to file a PhilSys Registration/Correction form.

22. How secured is our data?

The production and security of the PhilID will be at par with technological advancement and international standards.

23. Can I choose my own ID number?

 No. PhilSys Number (PSN) – The PSN is a randomly generated, unique, and permanent identification number that will be assigned to every citizen or resident alien upon birth or registration by the PSA, in accordance with the registration process provided in this IRR.

21. Can I have Two (2) PSN?

No person shall have more than one PSN. After Biometrics verification is unique the system will issue a unique number.

22. Is it possible that I will have the same PSN number with another person?

No. PSN given is unique, therefore any citizen shall have different numbers.

23. Is it possible to apply Phil ID online?
Biometrics are needed for the application. It means your physical features are needed to store on the system first.

24. Can I use my Phil ID online?
For security of your data. Sharing it into public unsecured network is not recommended.

25. Can I validate the person's Phil ID or identity with this card?
Yes. To prevent fake IDs, identity theft, and other criminal acts an authentication can be made to make sure that the submitted ID, demographic and biometric data are registered and valid.

Authentication can be done only after approval from the other person, this needed an One Time Password (OTP).

26. How is a person's identity, authentication being done with PhilID?
Authentication could be done online and offline. 

For online authentication, the PSN and biometrics should be used to validate the identity of the registered person. 

For offline authentication, PhilID should be presented and fingerprints should match with the specimen on stored in the QR code.

OTP could further validate the identity. 

27. Could anyone request from the PhilSys your information?
Another party could request your information if:

a. You have given consent to the requesting party.
b. You are informed of what specific information are requested.
c. You are aware of the uses or purpose for the request of personal information.
d. A data sharing agreement between requesting party and PSA should be established.
e. With a court order and with your knowledge, notified within 72 hours.

28. What are the example for request of your PhilSys information?
a. Application for bank account
b. Applying for a job, school, 
c. Criminal investigation
d. Other purposes requiring identity

29. Is my personal information secured only to the requesting party I given consent to?
It is important that you should trust the requesting party before you given your consent to. 

No person may disclose collect, record, convey, disseminate, publish, or use any information of registered persons with the PhilSys, give access thereto or give copies thereof to third parties or entities, including law enforcement agencies, national security agencies, or units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), except in either of the following circumstances:

a.) You have given consent.
b.) There is a risk to public safety and health, provided that there is a court order and you are notified within 72 hours.

30. Can I access my Personal Information in PhilSys?
Registered persons may request the PSA to provide access to their own registered information and record history subject to the guidelines and regulations to be issued by the PSA.

31. What if my PhilID got rejected or not honored?
The other person who refuse to accept shall be fined, subject to authentication.

32. What are the other Penal Provisions?
The ID shall not be falsified, tampered, altered nor reproduced.
The PhilID shall not be used other than the owner.
Application, updating and renewal should not be falsified.
ID shall not be transferable.

33. What we believe for the PhilID?

We believe that passing the PhilID will help the government to systemically govern the territory but the most objective for the act RA 11055 is it is for the Filipinos interest and welfare.


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